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Hula Dance - Little Brown Gal (Chorus) (2652 hits)

Maknani Lyau: Aloha, I am Makanani and this is Kanekia and she will be demonstrating for you how to Hula to 'Little Brown Gal' we will be doing the chorus. To begin the chorus we will doing our basic Kaholo throughout the chorus, we want to begin again in Hula position with our feet slightly apart and our knees bent, hands are on our hips. We will begin by taking the step to the right when it says 'it is just a little brown gal'. When you hear the words 'it's a little brown gal' you are going to lift your arms up in the air and you are going to make soft Hula hands down your body representing a women.

So let's try that. Ready, 'it's just a little brown gal', good. Now we are going to Kaholo to the left 'in a little grass skirt'. So you are going to take your hands and hold down to your skirt and slightly squish it to your -- back and forth while you go the left. So let's put it together 'in a little grass skirt', good. Now we are going to go back to the right 'in a little grass shack' you are going to put your arms in front of your chest, your hands are together representing a little house. And then finally you are going to take your Kaholo to the left, your right arm is going to go up in the air and you are going to extend your left arm from the right side of your body to the left side which represent Hawaii.

Now let's put it all together. Ready, 'it's just a little brown in a little grass skirt, in a little grass shack in Hawaii' and coming up next we will show you verse two of 'Little Brown Gal'.

Posted By: The Bitty Baby Shop .
Monday, December 29th 2008 at 10:04PM
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